How You Prepare for Hair Loss from Chemotherapy


Although this is good for the overall health and well-being of cancer patients, we also need to take their mental and emotional health into account. Not every chemotherapy treatment result in baldness or hair loss; for those who do, these side effects can be devastating to their confidence and sense of self, and they may withdraw from social interactions.

Acceptance and readiness for the future are necessary before you can offer any meaningful intervention, like a human hair wig to restore confidence. Doctors will let patients know that when they undergo certain chemotherapy treatments, they should expect to experience hair loss.

Although accepting hair loss may be difficult at first, there is a bright side: you can prepare for it. The sooner you accept it, the better solutions you can come up with, like buying human hair wigs, scarves, and turbans to keep you looking amazing.

We at The Wig Villa know how tough the transition period can be, and we know that cancer patients need all the help they can get, including from their wig stylists. To help you prepare for hair loss caused by chemotherapy and to make the transition easier, we've put together this guide. Proceed to read.

Recognize the Signs of Hair Loss

According to the American Cancer Society, hair loss from chemotherapy occurs one to three weeks after the treatment begins, and after a month or so, you will notice noticeable thinning. Give yourself enough time to consider your hair options at least a few weeks before you begin chemotherapy.

Instead of shaving right away or taking drastic action, do some research and try to picture yourself in the mirror wearing a wig, scarf, or turban. Even better, try going to a few stores to see how each hairstyle would suit you.

A cancer diagnosis shouldn't prevent you from maintaining your health and hygiene.  You must take better care of your health than ever before, even though it is normal for you to feel depressed and possibly neglect the other parts of your body. Take it slow and ask for assistance when you can.

The same holds true for your hair. You may believe that washing, combing, or blow drying your hair is unnecessary because you will eventually lose it anyhow. Keep in mind that hair loss brought on by chemotherapy is transient, and you will notice an increase in hair right away. To guarantee that your hair will look and feel as healthy as ever when it grows back, you should take better care of it than ever before

Shorten Your Hair Before Chemotherapy

Short Hair - Cut your hair short if you are expecting hair loss during chemotherapy/radiation. Since hair often does not fall out evenly, some find losing short hair less distressing. Some people shave their heads once their hair begins to fall out. 

Wigs - If you are interested in purchasing a wig, the best time to do this is before you lose any hair. This helps the stylist create the best match. Many insurance companies will pay for a wig, so be sure you have it written as a prescription from your doctor (usually written as "cranial prosthesis").

Scarves, Caps/Hats, Turbans, - Some people find that these are the easiest and most comfortable options. You can use what you already own, or you may

Final Remark

The Wig Villa was initially established to help cancer patients who wanted a dignifying solution to their traumatic hair loss. Compassionately born out of this need, we are especially sensitive and caring…and we tailor our services to suit you during your difficult time. We are especially proud of our “SPECIAL PERSONAL SERVICES” for chemotherapy patients. We find great satisfaction to see the faces of chemo patients light up when they reclaim their healthy self-image with our stylist crafted wigs.

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