Step-by-Step Guide: How to Install a Wig
Part 1 - Getting Your Head and Hair Ready / Hair and Head Preparation
1) Pick a wig type
There are two main categories of wigs: Human hair wig or Synthetic wig
- Human hair wig - are available in huge number of styles and can look incredibly natural. some are custom made for the perfect fit however these do come at higher cost.
- Many prefer human hair wigs to synthetic wigs as they tend to be longer lasting. They also offer grater styling options than synthetic wig but involves a greater degree of maintenance
- Synthetic Wigs- Synthetic wigs have improved a lot over the past couple of decades as wig making technology has advanced. Synthetic wigs used to have a reputation for appearing ‘Fake’, so so these days many synthetic wigs look very natural and can be hard to tell that it’s not real hair.
2) Prepare your hair
You must straighten your hair to prevent lumps or uneven areas when wearing your wig. Make sure that all of your natural hair is pulled back from your hairline, regardless of how long or short your hair is, so that it won't show through the wig.
- If you have long hair, you can divide it into two sections and twist them, crossing the two sections behind your head. Attach them with bobby pins across the top and bottom.
- Combed and pinned hair away from the hairline is an easy way to style shorter hair. Make every effort to flatten your hair against your head. To push your hair away from your hairline, you can also use a headband made of stretchy cloth headband or similar item.
3) Prepare your skin
Clearing your skin of any excess oils and contaminants. Apply a scalp protector to the areas surrounding your scalp it can be a spray, gel, or cream. This will shield this delicate skin from the glue or adhesive tape's irritation and damage make sure you prepare your skin
4) Put on a wig cap
You can wear a skin-toned nylon wig cap or a net wig cap. The skin-toned cap imitates the color of your scalp beneath your wig, while the net cap breathes a bit more. Make sure all of your hair is underneath the cap by gently stretching it over your head and aligning it precisely with your hairline. Using a few bobby pins around the outside edges, secure it in place.
- You must wear a wig cap underneath your wig, regardless of how long or short your hair is. You can skip this step if you have no hair. It is not required to help smooth out the hair area, but it might stop some wig slippage.
Part 2 - Applying the Wig
1) Prepare the wig
Make sure the wig hairs won't get tangled. Ensure that every wig hair is pulled into a ponytail. Alternatively, trim the hair nearest the edge of the wig if it is short.
- Cut the lace to match your hairline if you're using a full or half lace wig. Take care to avoid chopping off too much and disturbing the wig's natural hairline. To ensure a natural-looking glue job on your head, leave a small amount on the edge.
- Don't stress over wig styling just yet. While the process is being processed, it will become jumbled. Once the process is complete, you will be able to style it.
2) Place the wig on your head
Touch the part of the wig that will be in the middle of your forehead with your finger. With your finger cantered on your forehead, place it over your head and gently place it on your scalp. Next, carefully pull the remaining wig over your head. To prevent it from sticking before you're ready, keep the sides as far away from the adhesive as you can.
- Avoid stooping to put on your wig inverted. This may cause portions of the hair to adhere to the adhesive material before you're ready, and it will give your wig an uneven appearance.
- If this is your first time wearing a wig, give yourself enough time to get it adjusted before you have to leave the house. Perfecting it might require practice.
3) Secure the wig
You need to secure the wig to your head, regardless of the type of adhesive you used. Once your wig is in the desired position, gently press down on the front edges with a fine-toothed comb. Make sure the lace sections of your wig are smooth against your head to create a natural hairline if you're wearing one. Wait fifteen minutes for your wig to set after the front half is secured. Then proceed with the back part in the same manner as the front. To make sure the wig is secure, wait another fifteen minutes before styling.
- To make your wig feel more secure, you can also use bobby pins. Hook bobby pins into your hair underneath and wig cap, then insert them through the top of your wig. To keep them out of sight, do this more in the centre.
4) Style and accessorize
You can style your hair however you like after your wig is fully secured. You are free to have as much fun and adventure as you like. You can curl, braid, or accessorize wigs however you like. Avoid heating the strands of your synthetic wig as this could cause them to melt or become damaged.
- Before you put it on, you can have your wig cut into a style that suits your face. This will make the wig look more natural on your head and feel more like you.
- Always keep in mind that less is better. Avoid using excessive amounts of product because it will leave a residue on your wig, regardless of whether it is made of synthetic materials, or human hair.